Hibiki, Hibiki, Hibikkkkky! I’m always calling you. By the mouth, by the heart, by the blood. Once you start giggling, the batterfly shakes wings in my heart, the gingerale sparkles in my blood. O, Hibiki. You’ll know the meaning of your name - “Mountain echo”. Your laughter echoes throughout deep inside of my cold valley. O,…
Marble in The Coffee Cup
Wake up the soft boiled morning, I saw some fear stick around stomaches in corner of my room. Have you ever seen the side of…
I Got High
When I hugged you in a moment, I sensed β-endorphin flush in my brain through spinal cord. I clearly perceived its secretion. Animal body is…
We humans often expect something to someone who love. But, I never expect anybody. I just love my people and try to enjoy every moment…
Time is nothing but an invented concept. We just recognized law between memories and anticipation. I just focus on joy which does not come and…
(日本語は下記) Ants may imagine human foot step is a massacre or disaster, but we’re just a living thing which has more gigantic sight than ants….
In The Woods Beneath The Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom
In the woods beneath the cherry blossoms in full bloom 桜の森の満開の下
Blue Water
Staying in the deep blue, I feel unnatural that I am breathing. 群青の中にいると、息をしているのが不自然に感じる。